Monday, 23 August 2010


I recently acquired an mbed board. This is a great little board, I got it up and running some little demos in no time at all. There's no software to install to use it as everything's done online. I can see great things for this in future projects.
It's a great system for testing things, ensuring code works and just playing around, but if I wanted to make something production-worthy then I'd prefer to make my own board up I think. I'll see how I go with it, hopefully I won't blow it up. The replacement cost isn't as small as a simple PIC!

Thursday, 12 August 2010


I just etched my first PCB! Used FeCl2 as my etchant, toner transfer to get the design onto the board. As you can see from the picture it's not brilliant, but hey, it's a start!